In an unexpected twist, George Clooney came out of the blue with a bombshell announcement that he’s fed up with America while he was gesturing to...
“He’s already on his way to being the toughest ruler the family has ever seen.” Prince William may not be the King of England just yet,...
There’s a new Kansas City Chiefs fan in town! NFL quarterback Patrick Mahomes and his wife Brittany Mahomes have officially welcomed their third child, a beautiful...
In an unexpected and heartwarming act of generosity, Prince William and his family have made a remarkable donation of $56 million to support the victims of...
Kate Middleton has confirmed her cancer is now in remission and she’s focusing on recovery and a fulfilling year ahead, while also thanking the medical center...
Meghan Markle proudly shares a photo of her daughter Lilibet after rumors of a fake pregnancy: “My daughter has grown so much, and her hair, identical...
Meghan Markle shares a “secret” photo after giving birth to twin princes at a hospital in the U.S.: “I’m sorry for hiding this from you, but...
In a moment of unparalleled generosity, actor Denzel Washington has made headlines by announcing a monumental $50 million donation to support victims of the devastating Hollywood...
Beyoncé donates $2.5 MILLION to LA fire victims. 😮 The singer’s foundation, BeyGOOD, will provide funds to families who lost their homes, as well as to...
Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson have split after a decade of marriage … TMZ has confirmed. Jessica tells us … “Eric and I have been living...